Provide notice of real or possible mistakes immediately: early notice gives us the best chance to help put things right. Late notice often allows small problems to become big ones, and they can jeopardize coverage. If you report a claim, your deductible will not be triggered and there will be no surcharged increase to your premium unless LAWPRO defends a legal proceeding, attempts a repair or makes a payment that resolves all or part of the claim (See “This is not a claim, but…” and Wondering when to report that claim or potential claim? Do it now).
Provide notice to LAWPRO if you or your firm:
A. Received a demand for money or services (including in a pleading) in relation to alleged inadequate professional services;
B. Received an allegation (including in a pleading) of inadequate professional services;
C. Are aware of circumstances that could lead to either A. or B.; or
D. Have been asked to give evidence about file handling and/or have been asked or ordered to produce a file in circumstances that could potentially lead to a claim.
If you are unsure if your matter needs to be reported as a claim, email [email protected] with details of your situation.
Don’t try to take steps on your own to try to repair a potential claim. These steps may make the situation worse, and could jeopardize your insurance coverage. Contact us and we will help you determine how to move forward.
New Claims Coordinator
Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company
250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101
P.O. Box 3
Toronto, ON M5B 2L7
phone 416-598-5800 or 1-800-410-1013
fax (416) 599-8341 or 1-800-286-7639
e-mail: [email protected]
* If you are unable to meet the “in writing” notice requirement due to a disability, please contact LAWPRO’s New Claims Coordinator, who will work with you to accommodate your situation.
How LAWPRO handles your claim
After you have filed your notice of a claim with LAWPRO, a claims professional will contact you to obtain as much information as possible and determine a strategy for resolving that file.
If defence counsel is required, you can expect to be involved in their selection. You will receive regular reports from defence counsel, copies of accounts and budgets and be part of strategy discussions. By working together as a team to resolve matters, LAWPRO wants to provide lawyers with the highest quality service.
Claims prevention
LAWPRO provides claims prevention, risk management, and law practice information service for Ontario lawyers. Our resources, precedents and checklists are free and intended to help Ontario lawyers take proactive steps to avoid legal malpractice claims and grow successful and thriving law practices. Learn more at
How do I make a TitlePLUS claim?
If you are a TitlePLUS policyholder and wish to file a claim under your policy, please visit