Daniel E. Pinnington
President & CEO
Daniel E. Pinnington was appointed President & Chief Executive Officer of LAWPRO in 2018. From 2012 to 2018, he served as Vice President, Claims Prevention & Stakeholder Relations, overseeing LAWPRO’s claims prevention and outreach initiatives.
Dan joined LAWPRO in 2001 as Director, practicePRO – LAWPRO’s innovative and internationally recognized claims prevention initiative. He used his unique combination of practice experience and technology expertise to provide lawyers with tools and resources to assist them to avoid malpractice claims and succeed in the practice of law.
Before joining LAWPRO, Dan practised for eight years in the litigation department of a Niagara-area law firm. Dan was called to the bar in 1993, having graduated with a combined LL.B./J.D. from the University of Windsor and Detroit Mercy College of Law.
Dan is a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and is a prolific writer, speaker and blogger on risk management, legal technology and law practice management issues. He has given hundreds of presentations throughout North America and has chaired more than a dozen major conferences.
Dan was the President of the National Association of Bar-Affiliated Insurance Companies (NABRICO) in 2019. He has been very active in the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Division and was a long-time member of the ABA Legal Professional Liability Standing Committee. He was Chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2007 and Editor-In-Chief of Law Practice magazine from 2009-2012. He co-authored The Busy Lawyer’s Guide to Success: Essential Tips to Power Your Practice and made several contributions to other books published by the ABA Law Practice Management section. Dan has also been active over the years in a variety of roles for the Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations.