Corporate Social Responsiblity
LAWPRO’s vision is to be regarded as the preferred insurer in all product lines and markets in which it does business.
We are committed to being a responsible, involved and accountable citizen of the many communities in which we hold membership: the employer community, the insurance community, the legal community, and of course the larger community in which we all live.
The LAWPRO Corporate Social Responsibility Statement is informed by a spirit of community and accountability, while acknowledging that we are governed and profoundly shaped by our unique role as the provider of the primary professional liability insurance program for all lawyers in Ontario. Our social responsibility commitment as a corporate body is focused on four principal areas:
Providing a healthy and rewarding workplace
We respect and value our employees and the vital role they play in enabling the company to fulfill its mandate. To that end we adopt policies and practices that not only comply with applicable law and fair labour practices but also respect diversity, promote inclusion and fellowship, cultivate professional growth through education and service, and promote health, safety and wellness, in the workplace and in personal life.
Respecting the environment
We believe that individually and as a company we have a role to play as stewards of our environment and its resources. To that end we support and promote initiatives in our company that help advance the goal of a sustainable environment.
The company aims to educate LAWPRO employees about the role individuals and organizations can play in protecting and improving the environment. LAWPRO also has spearheaded a company-wide campaign to reduce reliance on paper and related products, and facilitate use of technology in all aspects of the company’s operations. The company actively encourages initiatives such as these that meet a dual mandate of being stewards of the environment and the bar’s resources.
Fostering the legal community
We view a committed, healthy and diverse bar as essential to the functioning of a democracy and to the protection of individual rights in society.
We have over the years provided financial and in-kind support to organizations that promote and deliver lawyer wellness programs. As well, we make available wellness information and resources electronically at no cost.
We support and sponsor a range of legal-related charitable and non-profit causes that advance the role and reputation of lawyers in our community, and by implication, foster access to justice in Canada. We also work to support charitable initiatives which have captured the interest and imagination of the members of the bar and their clients. We promote the enrichment of the bar through our promotion of legal education, both internally and externally, and by fostering the building of relationships within the legal community.
Supporting the broader Canadian community
We acknowledge that as highly skilled and employed individuals, we are among the fortunate in our community. LAWPRO employees give back by selecting five registered charities annually and partner with the company to fundraise for their benefit. In addition, each LAWPRO employee may request one “charity day” per year to undertake work for the registered charity of the employee’s choice.
We actively contribute to the advancement of the Canadian insurance industry, and engage in a dialogue with government in the interests of the bar and the Canadian consumer. We promote inclusion by working to expand the range of our materials available in both official languages and by providing materials in other languages based on level of demand.
LAWPRO has created a brochure that provides a useful summary of our corporate social responsibility initiatives. Download the complete brochure.